How can a group of people worldwide come together to clean up and help reduce the plastic and other hazardous material being disposed of in the ocean?

Let's talk about how to reduce and remove the number of plastics in our oceans! I grew up on the sand, spending most summer days there splashing through the water. As I have grown I have noticed the number of plastics and other hazardous materials that are being improperly disposed of affecting wildlife on land and in the water only grow. I have volunteered for coastal cleanups seeing firsthand the amount of potential trash that could make its way to the water. The damage that it causes to marine life everywhere needs to be addressed. On a site called The Ocean Cleanup, they mention that "trash accumulates in five ocean garbage patches, the largest being located between Hawaii and California," (The Ocean Cleanup, 2022). 


The Ocean Cleanup. (2022). Oceans. Retrieved from:

Image Source

Rothert, G. (2018). The Great Pacific Garbage Patch. Retrieved from: 


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